First Post? No Problem!
It’s very easy to add a sale or special, a blog post, a business news item, or anything else that is relevant. Here’s how.
1. Request Login Credentials
If you don’t already have a username and password for the site, click here to request one, or just call the Chamber.
2. Log In
Click this link to log in:
Enter your credentials.
3. Start New Post
- Click “Posts”.
- Click “Add New”.
4. Complete Your Post
Follow these steps to complete your post:
- Give it a short, descriptive title.
- The word processing area is where you write the main body of the post.
- Select a category.
- Under “Tags”, click “Choose from the most used tags”, then click any relevant words. If nothing is relevant you may add your own, but it is not needed.
- If your post needs an expiration date—e.g. a limited-time sale—under “Post Expirator” tick the “Enable Post Expiration” box, then set the expiration date.
- Click “Set featured image”. This can be a picture of your business, a graphic you’ve designed, stock photography, or one of our images for sales or drawings.
- If you want to choose our sale or drawings image, or an image you’ve already uploaded, choose it from the Media Library.
- If you want to upload a new image, click “Upload Files”, “Select Files”, then browse to your image and upload it. Wait for it to upload, then click “Set featured image”.
- Scroll back up to the “Publish” section and submit your post.
Tips for a Great-Looking Post
- Featured images will look best and load faster when shrunk and cropped to 655×368 pixels.
- Other images can be added using the “Add Media” button.
- Use headers for different sections if your post is long. You can choose from several different header sizes in the dropdown menu at the top of the main post area.
- Preview your work at any time during the process by clicking the “Preview” button under the “Publish” section.
Still Having Trouble? Call Me!
My name is David Odum and I own Holdenville’s Computer Paramedic. I’d love to help.
Phone: 405-221-0400